We believe that the distinction between local and global is merely an artificial construct that we can help you navigate
With the knowledge that we have a far greater investable universe, we can invert the question and ask, “Why would global investing NOT be for me?”
When viewed against the backdrop of improving both risk and return, there are no valid answers to this question.
With most restrictions now essentially removed, ALL investors MUST consider the broader investment universe than what is available only in South Africa. Clearly there are additional considerations, such as currency, volatility, income requirements and your risk profile.
But greater optionality should ultimately mean a more robust investment strategy.
GO GLOBAL NOWToday investing – even on a global basis – is not complicated.
It may just appear that way, but we are here to assist by constantly finding and creating ways to reduce complexity in the investment process.
Which is one of the main reasons that Seed Investments launched both South African and Ireland domiciled multi manager investment funds.
Not only do we have various investment vehicles available to meet YOUR need – but we are ready to start the journey with you.
You don’t need to do this alone.
GO GLOBAL NOWAt Seed, we work on keeping it simple.
While including a global allocation in the South African domiciled funds as of 2010, we launched the Seed Global Fund at the end of 2016. This fund is a medium-risk multi-asset fund.
In late 2021, with the demand for a pure equity fund, we also launched the Seed Global Equity Fund, offering a higher risk profile when accessing global equity via a range of funds.
We have a set of investment vehicles available – explore our GLOBAL FUNDS to find your perfect fit.
Reach out to our team to GO GLOBAL now.