Lessons Learned from the World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme
Last weekend I watched the Netflix documentary, “Madoff: the Monster of Wall Street.” Bernie Madoff was responsible for the world’s largest…
Ian De Lange
Last weekend I watched the Netflix documentary, “Madoff: the Monster of Wall Street.” Bernie Madoff was responsible for the world’s largest…
Ian De Lange
It is completely understandable that retired investors in the drawdown phase, “never want to dip into the capital”. This assumes that the income is not only sufficient at the start of the drawdown period…
Ian De Lange
Over the last few weeks, we have seen a range of markets and assets trade at new all-time highs. These new highs often trigger nervousness among investors, yet the adage holds true – bull markets climb a “Wall of Worry…
Ian De Lange
When investing in a company, you are buying into all its future earnings. There is always a level of uncertainty when trying to estimate these earnings, with some industries far more unpredictable than others…
Ian De Lange
A key indicator that we watch on an ongoing basis is the yield, or interest rate, on the US 10-year bond. Just a few years ago, during the depths of the pandemic, this key rate plummeted to a low of around…
Ian De Lange
This week, the U.S. inflation rate for February was released at 3.2%, slightly higher than the market’s expected 3.1%. While this could imply the possibility of higher interest rates for longer, investors in the equity market took it in…
Ian De Lange
SA has been a member of FATF since 2003, and therefore should know exactly what is required from it. However, at the end of February, the global body concluded that SA had not taken sufficient steps…
Ian De Lange
Warren Buffett wisely quoted in his 2018 annual letter to shareholders, “Rational people don’t risk what they have and need for what they don’t have and don’t need.” He mentioned this in the context of…
Ian De Lange
I am spending a few weeks in the United States with my family and always find it intriguing to compare prices across basic grocery items such as eggs, milk, yogurt, beef and fuel…
Ian De Lange
Have you heard about the aftercare facility that charged parents a small fee for picking up their children late? Unfortunately, it had the exact opposite effect as more parents began picking up their children…
Ian De Lange
This maxim encourages individuals to approach a situation or problem by flipping it upside down, examining it from the reverse perspective to enhance clarity of thought and gain deeper insights…
Ian De Lange
This week, Amazon shares traded near their all-time high at around $185 per share. Spending time in the United States, it is apparent how pervasive Amazon is….
Ian De Lange
One of the more notable investors of the 20th century was the late Sir John Templeton. Green had the opportunity to interview Templeton in 1998, when Templeton was 86 years old and actively…
Ian De Lange
7 companies, often referred to as the “magnificent 7” have been pivotal in driving the performance of the US stock market this year, even as some of these gains have faded in recent months. These 7…
Ian De Lange
Two weeks ago, I mentioned several assets that had traded to new price highs, including gold. This asset tends to evoke strong emotions. Even wellknown investor, Warren Buffett has a negative view of it, while economist John Maynard Keynes famously called it a “barbarous metal”…
Ian De Lange
Despite various headlines causing anxiety and affecting investor sentiment, global equity markets in general have surprisingly remained largely resilient and shrugged off the negative news…
Ian De Lange
This week marked the latest US Federal Reserve meeting, where they announced that short term interest rates would remain unchanged. The market places significant emphasis…
Ian De Lange
The United States saw a 4.8% year on year increase in the median existinghome sales price, reaching $393,500 in March 2024. While slightly off the highs of mid 2022, residential prices remain exceptionally robust, making home ownership a…
Ian De Lange
While exchanging your time for money is a worthwhile pursuit, it becomes problematic when the value of money depreciates significantly. Inflation is typically defined as “general increase in prices”, but it…
Ian De Lange
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not new. A defining moment occurred in 1997 when IBM’s Deep Blue computer defeated chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov in a six-game chess match. However, despite this breakthrough, progress…
Ian De Lange
In today’s globally financially leveraged world, the level of interest rates matter. Which is perhaps why there is so much fascination with announcements from central banks, with none bigger than the US Federal Reserve….
Ian De Lange
Investing success starts with building savings, and savings requires keeping expenses lower than income. On a personal level this simply means budgeting and managing debt and expenses to accumulate…
Ian De Lange
For company shareholders, there are many factors to consider when assessing investment feasibility. One metric stands out as the ultimate measure of…
Ian De Lange
Warren Buffett’s, Berkshire Hathaway again captured attention last week with its renowned annual general meeting drawing significant crowds as always. A major talking point this
Ian De Lange
The classical understanding of money comes from Aristotle who asked, “what is the purpose of money”? He noted that its primary intended function is a medium of…
Ian De Lange
We’ve all encountered the increasing red tape required to not only initiate new investment, but also to make top ups or even to redeem existing investments. The bureaucratic processes all fall under…
Ian De Lange
This year, many people around the world will go to the polls to vote in national elections. The U.S. four-year election cycle, culminating in November, is a significant event, as is South Africa’s five-year…
Ian De Lange
As South Africans, we have lived under exchange controls for so long that most of us believe this is the norm around the world. However, this isn’t actually the case…
Ian De Lange
Why do I call this an advantage then? The use of permanent capital provides the fund manager the freedom to make long term decisions without being influenced…
Ian De Lange
Shane Parrish, the mind behind the weekly blog, Farnam Street (FS) and now the author of the book, “Clear Thinking”, has curated a collection of wisdom which I thought would be fitting as we approach the end of the year…
Ian De Lange
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