The Seed Balanced Prescient Fund is a Multi Asset High Equity Fund.

As a multi-managed multi strategy Fund, Seed is responsible for tactical asset allocation and strategy selection, with the focus on tilting the Fund to asset classes offering the most value. Manager selection is skewed towards owner managed investment firms with a consistent, repeatable process. The Fund aims to generate CPI + 6% pa over rolling 5 year periods and avoid negative returns over any 3 year period. The Fund is Regulation 28 compliant and is therefore suitable for investments in retirement funds. The net equity weighting (including global equity) will never exceed 75% of the Fund’s market value.

Launch NAV 100.00 cpu
Current NAV 271.32 cpu
Fund Size R 1 324m
Benchmark CPI + 6% pa
Return Horizon 5 Years
Risk Horizon 3 Years
ASISA Classification SA - Multi Asset - High Equity
Regulation 28 Compliant
TFSA Compliant
Min Lump Sum R 5000
Min Recurring R 500
Valuation Daily
Valuation Time 15h00
Dealing Cut Off 13h00
Performance None
Annual 1.25%
TER 1.71%
Calculation Date 30 Sep 2024
Payment Apr
Recent Distributions
April 24 #REF!
April 23 #REF!
Anualised returns
Period Fund Libor
Since Launch 9.3% 11.0%
10 Years 7.1% 10.9%
5 Years 8.9% 10.9%
3 Years 8.2% 11.3%
1 Year 14.2% 8.9%
Fund Statistics
Annualised Volatility 9.0%
Positive Months 71%
Maximum Drawdown -20.9%
Highest Annual Return 35.9%
Lowest Annual Return -16.0%
Asset Allocation
Manager Allocation

Seed Balanced Prescient Fund

Fund Managers
  • Ian de Lange, CA (SA)
  • Mike Browne, CFA
Risk Rating
Low High
Fund Fact Sheet
Archived Fact Sheets

Seed fund range


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