As a multi-managed multi strategy Fund, Seed is responsible for tactical asset allocation and strategy selection, with the focus on tilting the Fund to asset classes offering the most value. Manager selection is skewed towards owner managed investment firms with a consistent, repeatable process. The Fund aims to generate CPI + 6% pa over rolling 5 year periods and avoid negative returns over any 3 year period. The Fund is Regulation 28 compliant and is therefore suitable for investments in retirement funds. The net equity weighting (including global equity) will never exceed 75% of the Fund’s market value.
Launch NAV | 100.00 cpu |
Current NAV | 271.32 cpu |
Fund Size | R 1 324m |
Benchmark | CPI + 6% pa |
Return Horizon | 5 Years |
Risk Horizon | 3 Years |
ASISA Classification | SA - Multi Asset - High Equity |
Regulation 28 | Compliant |
TFSA | Compliant |
Min Lump Sum | R 5000 |
Min Recurring | R 500 |
Valuation | Daily |
Valuation Time | 15h00 |
Dealing Cut Off | 13h00 |
Performance | None |
Annual | 1.25% |
TER | 1.71% |
Calculation Date | 30 Sep 2024 |
Payment | Apr |
Recent Distributions | |
April 24 | #REF! |
April 23 | #REF! |
Period | Fund | Libor |
Since Launch | 9.3% | 11.0% |
10 Years | 7.1% | 10.9% |
5 Years | 8.9% | 10.9% |
3 Years | 8.2% | 11.3% |
1 Year | 14.2% | 8.9% |
Annualised Volatility | 9.0% |
Positive Months | 71% |
Maximum Drawdown | -20.9% |
Highest Annual Return | 35.9% |
Lowest Annual Return | -16.0% |
31 December 2024
The Seed Income Prescient Fund safely caters to any investor. Our lowest risk solution, this Fund provides its investor with a conservative option for shorter-term periods. This fund is constructed to deliver a reliable, positive return, month after month.
31 December 2024
The Seed Stable Prescient Fund is tailored for investors with an appreciation for layered complexity. This Fund conceals beneath it a sophisticated world of strategies which blend various elements to generate dependable growth year after year.
31 December 2024
The Seed Balanced Prescient Fund will appeal to investors that have great foresight. As our Flagship Fund, it incorporates only our best ideas. Over a full investment cycle, each hand-picked strategy ensures that this Fund will satisfy long-term investors.
31 December 2024
The Seed Global Prescient Feeder Fund suits investors that wish to gain global exposure in a local solution. Investments into this Fund do not form part of an investor’s offshore allowance, offering a simple remedy to an otherwise complex process.
31 December 2024
The Seed Global Equity Prescient Feeder Fund is a Feeder Fund that only invests into the Irish domiciled Seed Global Equity Fund. The Seed Global Equity Fund is a multi-managed equity Fund, where Seed is responsible for strategy selection, with the focus on tilting the Fund to investment styles and geographies offering the most value.
31 December 2024
The Seed Global Fund was constructed with the bold investor in mind, featuring the ultimate multi manager approach in unpredictable conditions. This Fund, established offshore and managed locally by our team of experts, promises to fuel the more risky investor with exhilarating returns over a long-term investment period.
31 December 2024
As a multi-managed Fund, Seed is responsible for strategy selection, with the focus on tilting the Fund to investment styles and geographies offering the most value. Manager selection is skewed towards owner managed investment firms with a consistent, repeatable process. The Fund aims to generate a return of MSCI ACWI (NR) over rolling 7 year periods and avoid negative returns over any 5 year period. The net equity weighting will typically exceed 90% of the Fund’s market value.