Equities & War
The United States economy has been at war or on the side-line of the World Wars for about one-fifth of the time since 1885 (almost a 30-year period).
Nico Wegner
The United States economy has been at war or on the side-line of the World Wars for about one-fifth of the time since 1885 (almost a 30-year period).
Nico Wegner
Financial Advisors do not merely recommend an asset to clients without having a full picture of the clients’ current circumstances, future planning, and rational financial saving abilities.
Nico Wegner
We have recently been made aware that unauthorised individuals have attempted to impersonate our representatives on social platforms such as Telegram. Please note that Seed Investments (Pty) Ltd does not trade in any Cryptocurrencies and that our representatives will never offer any form of financial advice using social platforms. Please report communications of this nature to the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) via telephone on 0800 203 722 or send an email to fsca@behonest.co.za.