Personal Budgeting – A Guide to Getting Your Finances Under Control
It may seem superfluous, but let’s start by defining what a personal budget is…
Adriaan Giessing
It may seem superfluous, but let’s start by defining what a personal budget is…
Adriaan Giessing
Seed’s Multi Manager process, which offers diversification across fund managers, asset classes and investment styles, incorporates a wide range of ideas from the best managers in the industry.
Cor van Deventer
South Africa’s savings rate has recently jumped up from 14.2% in December 2020 to 18.0% in the first quarter of this year, but remains very low compared to the global average of around 25.0%…
Cor van Deventer
This is a saying I am sure we’ve all heard many times in the past. This is a great concept, but in practice, how easy is it to really apply to our lives on a consistent basis?
Adriaan Giessing
The result of the Portfolio Optimiser Process is the Seed Short List , probably the most valuable investment tool you will ever use in the building your investment practice.
Adriaan Giessing
The Seed Portfolio Optimiser is a bespoke tool that enables the Seed Team to construct optimal blended portfolios given a set of inputs.
Adriaan Giessing
The Seed FNA Tool is an easy-to-understand Retirement Planning and Discretionary Investment Tool.
Adriaan Giessing
We have recently been made aware that unauthorised individuals have attempted to impersonate our representatives on social platforms such as Telegram. Please note that Seed Investments (Pty) Ltd does not trade in any Cryptocurrencies and that our representatives will never offer any form of financial advice using social platforms. Please report communications of this nature to the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) via telephone on 0800 203 722 or send an email to